Sunday Drive Designs is all one gal Becky Morrette (with a lot of supportive friends and family that jump in and help out when she gets a little overwhelmed). From an early age, Becky always had a crayon, pencil, colored paper and other craft supplies her art teacher dad would give her to keep her out of trouble. Her love of vintage things started when she was little and her parents would stop at any and all antique shops on their family vacations. Armed with the creative bug, great sense of humor (thanks to her mom), a love of all things vintage and a sense of adventure, she moved from a small town in upstate New York to San Francisco in the early 90s to go to the Academy of Art College. After college she worked as a web designer for a time and when the dot com bubble burst on the world she knew she needed to move on. Two of her closest friends lived in Seattle and when she came up to visit, she was sold on the place. In October of 2001 she moved to Seattle and hasn’t looked back since. She and her two crazy cats currently share an apartment in near Lake Washington.